This is simple handheld electronic pulse massager. Which helps relax the muscles by electric pulse waves. Ideal for those muscles all the time, such as standing or hand throughout the day. This machine is small And is powered by 9 volts battery, so it’s safe. You can also customize the frequency and strength as well.
The working principle.
On Figure 1 is Handheld Electronic Pulse Massagger with 9 volts. The working of circuit will begin with transistor-Q1 is connected as the frequency generator circuit. Which this frequency will depends on R1, R2, C1, C2, L1, L2 and VR1. We can adjust frequency by VR1.

Figure 1 is Simple Handheld Electronic Pulse Massager circuit using CS9013 transistor
Then LED1 will flash as frequency that step up at L3. Which is high voltage pulse about 50 volts and be pulse narrow range. And This current is lowest so Not harmful to the user in any way. This voltage will flow to VR2 to adjust the pulse voltage before to output.
How to assemble circuits
Firstly we make the PCB as Figure 2 that is an actual-size of Single-sided Copper PCB layout. Then assemble components as Figure 3 is the components of PCB. By put all parts that lower than higher such as Diode, resistors etc.

Figure 2 actual-size of Single-sided Copper PCB layout.

Figure 3 The components layout and wiring.

Figure 4 The really using application of this projects.
The testing
When we assemble circuit successfully as Fgure 4. Then apply a 9 volts power supply from battery by a positive polarity to +9V and the negative polarity to GND of this circuit. Now LED1 will flash then test adjust VR1 to see then notice flashing of LED1 will slowly or fast as adjusting VR1. If try as above will show that this project ready to uses.
We should connect both output point with a metal plate, then place them on body, the two points a little apart, Next Cover with a wet cloth next to the modest size of 5×5 inches.
After that adjust VR2 to the full left, then apply voltage to the circuit, next rotate partially the volume to right. A our muscles, it will begin to pinging and more, according to the strength of the spin VR2. Then Try rotating VR1 to change frequencies as needed.
Repair of this project.
1. LED lights throughout, showing that C1, C2 short. And pin CE of Q1 short.
2. LED flash but tried, muscles do not jerky, indicating that the lack of L3.
3. Adjust the frequency did not, indicating that VR1 shock.
Component list
Resistors size ¼ W +-5%
R2—————–50 ohm
VR1 knob —————500K
VR2 with knob—————10K
C1——————2.2uF 50V Bipolar
C2——————100uF 16V Electrolytic
LED1————–5 mm LED 5 as you want.
D1, D2————1N4148 0.75A 200V Diode
L1-L3————– the output transformer
Universal Box
SPDT- Single-pole Double-throw switch_____ = 1 Pcs.
PCB as Figure 2 , wires, etc.
How to use its.
1. Do not use both metal plate touching the head or temples.
2. Do not use on pregnant women
3. Do not apply DC adapter instead of 9 volts battery.
4. Cases, the side effects, should see a doctor immediately.
5. Do not bring both metal plate to the area of ??the wound.